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查看:1837 回复:2 发表于 2011-4-19 13:15
 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-19 13:15:55 | 只看该作者 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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发表于 2011-4-19 14:13:16 | 只看该作者
修改复查设备监理工程师考试分数QQ:408155177专业提供各类考试:修改复查分数 文凭证件办理。8 y; B+ i, C% [. _/ j* h
' c$ Z  F1 O9 \# J% y外语类考试:英语!托福!雅思!GRE!商务英语BEC!公共英语PETS!职称外语!, h, P8 _- X+ _; E$ {3 W' P
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qq 408155177 (本广告长期有效)
发表于 2011-4-20 13:01:43 | 只看该作者

what a happy life4412

回复 抗日太君 的帖子8 a  K, k8 b. O
1 O! S! `) H, f: c" H# w# C

" F& N; C7 L9 e0 R7 k4 Q7 j????The Heaven models itself after Tao;
, A8 i4 z& B" S. s' o????Tao models itself after nature.& B' v& R( F! `9 j5 z% F
, o2 L) u+ D- B; T/ ?7 c" Z& l4 x9 U
????26$ e/ P; V; \7 Z' Q5 r5 R# b% W

! [2 j# G: H& h" r! m3 M, M8 K????The Solid is the root of the light;
( A$ r4 u8 e- n% M% A????The Quiescent is the master of the Hasty.
- [" Y4 n9 F# U4 y
7 r) U6 t5 U& x& P????Therefore the Sage travels all day+ V# z& V: }$ S" f) Q
????Yet never leaves his provision-cart.3 e/ n" h6 M; U8 u
????In the midst of honor and glory,, a1 J2 h7 w# u6 t  {0 E: H
????He lives leisurely, undisturbed.: M1 V. c; b6 W

, M5 g" X. t  ^# N) X, |????How can the ruler of a great country
) R7 O: p% j- l% Z9 _, H. I4 |' d; P????Make light of his body in the empire (by rushing about)?
) y) C% k7 d8 }% F' C9 ]( J+ T4 c????In light frivolity, the Center is lost;
; w& y3 S7 D3 w/ H5 G????In hasty action, self-mastery is lost.
+ l( i2 V: z3 G4 x* `; U& v% h+ r) e, L+ }( c2 c7 f/ U
& E  S0 |2 J1 Z$ S* K% p
0 j7 x* u2 J3 v3 X+ E8 c4 _????A good runner leaves no track.' Q) s0 n# @3 ?3 I3 n  X
????A good speech leaves no flaws for attack.
: e8 `% a* [( t/ g4 ]; i& B6 n$ T????A good reckoner makes use of no counters.& K3 U" T. a; G! A! M; Q
????A well-shut door makes use of no bolts,! O  G; |3 u7 e( h7 X0 a, }+ `
????And yet cannot be opened.0 f: J4 N+ x& e- `
????A well-tied knot makes use of no rope,
" w( l8 r1 k) ~, Y????And yet cannot be untied.
+ y; `' k5 @/ |3 M# l" m+ J: }5 }# t9 s5 {( l* p
????Therefore the Sage is good at helping men;
4 E8 M  H3 J6 i$ F$ u" A4 z) ]????For that reason there is no rejected (useless) person.7 W2 d9 g3 \- n! J( R
????He is good at saving things;6 i5 U0 F6 e' C# P$ R# W
????For that reason there is nothing rejected.
2 x: P$ f/ I( H7 u* N# l5 f????
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